The flood hit southern Laos - Blog ແຊຣ໌ຂ່າວສານທົ່ວໂລກ

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The flood hit southern Laos

Champhone district currently was hit by heavy rain continually for several days
Which caused the rise of Champone river, on the August 6th  at 10:00, the level of water has measured about 8,23 m, the champone river was flown into the cultivated lands, buildings in many villages, the roads were damaged and cut such as the road from Kiengkok to Taleo , Chonbuly district faces the difficulty ,the flood on the road which stated above  is 40 cm high , the motorbike cannot run on the road, but Boat.

The flood hits the district is already  the 3rd time, the scope of flood will be a large scale due to  continue rain and plus Champone river was increased by the flow of BangHieng river which causes the champone river flows slowly and the flood may continue a few days, says Mr Sython Nanthalath, the Champone Mayor .

As the initiate data reports, the cultivated land was damaged approximately 70-80%
Which includes the rice field was flooded nearly 400 Ha of 60 villages in Phonemuang area, Dongphengthong village, SakheunTai, Nonsithun, Kiengpoun,Phiaka, Lamthen,Sakheun Nua, Wangmao and others.

Currently, the local authority and villagers has already evacuated the domesticated animals to the higher land, added Mr Mayor
With such a natural disaster ,Mr mayor and his officials visit and work in the affected villages and has delivered the necessary items, food and daily use items such as water, medicine to the villagers.

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