Chinese investor licensed to develop That Luang swamp - Blog ແຊຣ໌ຂ່າວສານທົ່ວໂລກ

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Chinese investor licensed to develop That Luang swamp

Chinese investor licensed to develop That Luang swamp
 By Vinnaly
 (KPL) That Luang swamp with a total area of 365 ha will be developed a natural and cultural tourist site following the government approval of Wan Feng Shanghai Real Estate Company of China as developer of the 12,800 billion kip project.
Untitled-4-E-ChineseA signing ceremony was held in Vientiane, on 28 December in the witness of Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad who is also President of Lao National Committee for Special and Specific Economic Zone Management and Chinese Ambassador to Laos, Mrs. Bu Jiangua and other officials concerned.
The That Luang swamp development project covers six villages in Saysettha and Sisattanark districts.
Minister to the Government Office, Mrs. Bounpheng Mounphosay, Vientiane Vice Mayor, Mr. Anouphub Toulalom, representing Lao Government signed an agreement on That Luang swamp development with the President of Wan Feng Shanghai Real Estate Company of China, Mr. Gua Ping Huang.
The project is determined to be a special and specific economic development zone, a natural and cultural tourism town which is related to a traditional history. It is designed to build a natural public garden decorated with flowers, a green area, a relaxing area, a large pond in the center of town with the full set of drainage system and roads inside the area, entrance and exit, a sport area, a trade and service centre, a five-star hotel, a supermarket and an entertainment place.
It will also construct the number of high-heeled villa mixing Lao culture and European architecture style, the apartment for rent and other public facilities for tourism regarding to Lao history and national culture and a drainage system and a waste disposal site.
Under the project, 303ha will be developed and the rest of 62 ha will be a buffer zone or protection area, which covers six villages of Nonvay, Muaeng Noy, Non Khor, Phonthanh, Phon Papao and Donkoi. The project will start constructing on February 2012. The concession is based on to the investment regulation of specific economic zone.

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