State-run schools closing due to lack of pupils - Blog ແຊຣ໌ຂ່າວສານທົ່ວໂລກ

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State-run schools closing due to lack of pupils


State-run schools closing due to lack of pupils
Many state-run schools in Vientiane have been forced to close as more parents are enrolling their children in private schools, according to education experts.
More parents believe that private institutions can provide a better quality of education than public ones despite the higher fees charged.
In Xaysettha district alone, three primary schools have closed and two others could be forced to follow suit if their students continue to move to other schools.
The three that have closed are the primary schools in Ban Fai, Ban Sengsavan and Huakhua.
Director of the Xaysettha district Office of Education and Sports, Mr Ormpheng Baovankham, told the media this week that another two schools, Sisangvone and Naxay, may also close due to the falling number of students.
Currently, there are only six students at Sisangvone school, four of them in Grade 4, one in Grade 3 and another one in Grade 2. Meanwhile, there are only 16 children currently attending Naxay primary school, taught by three teachers.
The spurt in growth of the Lao economy has generated more income for local people and many of them prefer to invest their money in a good education for their children, which they think private schools can provide.
Many parents have said that private schools offer more activities for their children compared to state-run schools. Many of the private schools also give awards for outstanding teachers, contributing to the quality of the education they offer.
A quality education is very important and most parents want to help their children get the best possible education, so it comes as no surprise that distinct ions at private schools are on the rise.
Parents have also observed that some teachers in state schools are inefficient as there is no job performance review so they are not motivated to deliver. In private schools on the other hand, teachers who are not qualified or are seen to be incompetent are likely to be removed.
The Vientiane Department of Education and Sports accepts that the quality of education in private schools is generally better than that of state schools.
The private sector has more funds to pay qualified teachers and provide a good learning environment, while many public schools don't have enough textbooks or educational supplies.
In the late 1990s many state schools were built in Vientiane, with annual growth of about 20 percent recorded in the period.
But since 2000 the number of children attending public schools has declined after the government introduced a policy to encourage private companies to help develop the education sector. The National Assembly has approved an increase to the education budget, but education officials say it is necessary to ensure the sector receives the exact amount of funds allocated by the Assembly.
Experts say it's also important to regularly inspect the quality of public schools, and create a model environment in some of them to encourage more children to enrol.

By Times Reporters 
(Latest Update April 16, 2013)

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